Sunday, September 6, 2020

Top Three Reasons As to Why People Buy Blinds for Their Windows and Doors

The making and selling of window and door blind is big business. There are thousands, possibly millions, of people all over the world involved in the manufacture or sale of window and door blinds. The number of online stores selling these blinds (and the volumes in which they sell them annually) is enough testimony to the fact that we are looking at a huge industry there. The only question which presents itself for exploration is the question as to why the people on the buyer-side of the equation purchase the blinds. And three major reasons emerge, as to why people buy the said window and door blinds:

1. The desire to make it difficult for nosy people to peep: the truth of the matter is that there are people who are irritatingly curious. Those are the people who make a point of peeping through every window or door they pass near - trying to see what is inside the rooms.Houten ramen en deuren Some may not even consciously know that they are peeping, but that is what they end up doing. And seeing that, as a polite person, you can't openly tell them to stop peeping into your house or office, the best you can do is to invest in blinds. With these in place, the windows and doors will still serve the purposes they are meant to serve, without providing an opening through which these irritatingly curious people can peep. Take note that there could actually be security implications here, because besides those who peep out of simple nosiness, there are also those who peep with the intention of collecting intelligence as to what valuables are inside the rooms, so that they can organize criminal expeditions to get them. With proper blinds in place, their criminal intelligence collection enterprises are thwarted.

2. The desire to control the amount of light getting in: there are times when the sitting of a window or a door is such that too much sunlight gets in through them. Often the problem is not discovered at the time when the buildings in question are being built (at which time something can be done about them). Rather, they are only discovered at the time when the buildings in question have already been commissioned into use. And rather than try to alter the sitting of the windows or doors in question, which would be an expensive and involving undertaking, it is normally recommended that the people who are affected by the said light dynamics install blinds. With such blinds in place, the amount of light getting into the rooms is controlled.

3. The desire to make the windows and doors look 'proper:' since most people install blinds on their doors and windows as a matter convention, we have come to a point where it is basically expected of everyone to install the said blinds. The end result is a situation where any house whose doors or windows don't have blinds doesn't look proper (in that something looks amiss with it). There are a few people who don't really have a problem with peepers, and who also don't have light issues, but who nonetheless install the blinds in order to ensure that their rooms look proper.



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